Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rlc Tribute X Rlc Memoria Crispin Rosales - Suprise In My Garden

Orchids can be such a suprise.  I purchased this unregistered cross as a small cutting about three years ago.  At first I had high hopes.  But the plant languished and looked like it was going to die.  But I kept watering it and taking care of it.  Earlier this year, it grew its first new bulbs, two of them.  One of the bulbs developed fast and before long I noticed a flower spike coming out of it.  Well, I was not going to get my hopes up this time.  Most orchids will have their buds open gradually, but the buds on this one showed no signs of opening.  It seemed to be doing nothing.

SUPRISE!  Yesterday afternoon the buds opened right up. 

The flower is very delicate and is tissue paper thin.  It has no fragrance.  The color is mostly a yellowish white.  Of course one can see the big purple lip on each blossom.  I doubt that the flower will last very long since it is so delicate.  Many cattleya will last two or three weeks, but some blooms may last as short as a day depending on the particular genus or hybrid.  With the photograph, I can enjoy it anytime.  In the meantime, this orchid is in my family room brightening my day.  May light shine in your life today!

1 comment:

John King said...

Some observers of this picture have raised questions regarding the cross. They did not believe that these two orchid parents could produce this type of bloom. So I sent a picture to the vendor. As suspected, the cross is not as represented on the tag. the vendor says the cross is really: Sc. Purpurato-Rex 'Cahiz-Yrygoyen'