Monday, May 3, 2010

Redland International Orchid Festival

Do not forget the Redland International Orchid Festival.  It is May 14 - 16, 2010, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  It is at the Fruit & Spice Park, 24801 SW 187th Avenue, Homestead Florida.  The admission is $7.00 and there promises to be over 60 orchid vendors.  This festival is an AOS judged event.  You can have your own orchids judged by bringing them to the Show Tent on May 14 between noon and 3:00 PM.  The judging begins at 3:00 PM.

There will be walking tours, orchid supply vendors, lectures and demonstrations, and food and drink.

I have attended this even for the past four years.  It is a great chance to travel south in Miami-Dade and see one of the county's parks and enjoy the orchids.  Compared to many of the other orchid events in South Florida, this one usually promises to be a warm outing.  I suggest wearing loose, cotton, and cool clothing.  Put on a big, floppy hat and enjoy the day.  In the past they have had covered areas to enjoy a bite to eat.

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