Sunday, May 9, 2010


Orchids have beautiful blooms.  Most anyone who grows orchids as a hobby is going to be primarily interested in getting his orchids to bloom.  Each person wants to enjoy the beauty.

Another beautiful thing about growing orchids for a hobby, like other hobbies, is that it is totally voluntary and discretionary.  One is only controlled by the requirements of the plant and how much effort one wants to put into the hobby.  A hobby orchidist only has his plants as his boss.  There are many different ways to grow orchids and everyone has his own preferences about how to go about it.  My suggestion is that one should listen to everyone.  One person's way may seem wrong to you, but it may be what works for her.  Use what you like and what works for you.  If what you are doing does not work, try something different.  There are many variables that can interact for your success or failure - moisture, light, temperature, nutrients, air movement, etc.  Each person's conditions affect what will work for him. 

My main suggestion.  Be observant.  Watch your plants to see what is happening and what is working and what is not.  If one thing is not working.  Try something else.

Since growing orchids as a hobby is totally discretionary, like all hobbies, one only does is for the enjoyment and beauty.  Those who grow and sell orchids for a vocation need to remember that no one really needs to buy orchids.  They do it for their enjoyment.  So have fun, smile, be nice.  Enlarge the circle, include everyone.  Just as the beauty and the many differences of each and every orchid draws one in and opens your life to the beauty ----- be open to the many differences of all of the orchid growers you encounter.  Enjoy the beauty.  Unlike an orchid, each person has a choice regarding the beauty of their actions.  Be beautiful, just like your orchids!

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