Monday, February 15, 2010

PHALS in Bloom!

Hopefully, you have some Phals in bloom at this time of the year.

If you changed the media this past year.... (I suggest only AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss)

If you kept the media "moist" and not too soggy.....

If you put something in the bottom of the pot to keep the moss from holding too much water at the bottom of the pot......

If you kept them in the right amount of shade..... (no direct sun EVER)

If you did not let them get too hot......(preferably no hotter than 80 or 85 degrees F)

If they got some cool temeratures in November or December ......(55 to 60 degrees F for a week or more)

If you got all of these things right, I bet you have some Phals in bloom.  They are beautiful and some of the species and hybrids have blooms that last two or three months.

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