Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blc Fuch's Orange Nugget

Orchids come in many colors, even ORANGE.  Here are pictures of Blc Fuch's Orange Nugget.  This plant has reliably bloomed for me for the past four years.  Did you go to the Tamiami Orchid Festival this past weekend?  I bought this plant from the Tamiami Orchid Festival FOUR years ago.  Take care of your plants, and they will live a long time.

At first, I had this plant in a clay pot in alifor and charcoal and growing outdoors.  It barely hung on.  It stayed way too wet.  But it survived.  Now that I have moved it to a wooden basked without ANY media, it is thriving.

This plant does well in the Florida heat and survived the cold spelll we had here in Miami.  It reached temps of 34 degrees one night, and this plant was outdoors the entire time.  It did very well and as you can now see, it has bloomed.

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