Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Long Does An Orchid Live? A Semi Terete Vanda Example!

I have had the question "How long does an orchid live?" asked of me several times.  I really do not know the answer.  However, some people have told me that theoretically an orchid could live forever.  I am not sure if this is actually true.  However, an orchid will continually grow new parts as other parts of the plant die.  So they are self-propagating.  The following orchid I have owned for 13 years.  Testimony to the hardiness of some orchids, this one for sure, is that when I bought it, I knew nothing about caring for an orchid.  So, unintentionally, I have tried to kill it many times in the first 7 or 8 years that I owned it.  However, it has always managed to come back.  Now that I know how to care for it, I have gradually nursed it back to better health.  This year it bloomed better than it has in several years.  I took these pictures this morning.

I purchased this orchid on a whim from a small shop in South Miami.  It had no label, so I do not even know exactly what hybrid it is.  All that I know is that it is a Semi-terete Vanda.  It likes relatively high light and can even tolerate direct sun if it is allowed to get used to it gradually.  Like all Vandas, it likes lots of water, to dry quickly, and plenty of fertilizer.  This particular orchid is a little stalky right now.  In the past it was not watered as much as it would like, so it has lost some leaves.  However, the stem is starting to grow roots higher up toward the leaves and eventually when enough roots have grow higher up, I will be able to cut the stem and make the plant look more normal.

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