Friday, November 20, 2009

Vandaceous Orchids in Bloom

Three more vandaceous orchids in bloom. I have doubts about the red one. The tag says it is a cross between V. Fuchs Delight and Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah. This would make it an Ascocenda Fuchs Royal Dragon. But it looks too red in color to me. Looks more like Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah without the Fuchs Delight.

The tangerine colored one is Mokara Moonlight 'Tangerine'. This one needs as much light as you can give it without burning it, otherwise it just does not bloom. With enough light, it will bloom twice a year. And it almost always blooms with two spikes just like this one.

The orange colored one is Ascocenda Banjongs Delight. The flowers are very flat and are so strong that they look like wax. I have not been very sucessful in getting this to bloom on a regular basis; however, I have been giving it more water and more light and it gave this beautiful bloom this year. Notice that there are still some buds to open.

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