Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rly. Hwa Yuan Bay 'She Shu'

I have written about this hybrid on the blog in the past.  However, the photo above is the best bloom that I have had from the plant so far.  The plant is now becoming larger and mature.  This hybrid has several species in its genetic background:  C. dowiana, Bro. sanguinea, C. intermedia, C. warscewiczii, C. tenebrosa, and C. trianae.  It is a relatively compact plant and easy to grow in South Florida.  Since I grow this outdoors without protection from the rain, it is in a wooden basket without any media at all.  This particular hybrid and cultivar has been awarded by the AOS.  As the plant grows larger, it can bloom with 20 or more blooms at one time.  With this bloom, the plant has seven blooms on three inflorescenses and two buds on another.  The color of these blooms is what I like about this orchid the most.  The flowers are much smaller than the classic cattleya blooms.  The natural spread on the largest of the blooms is just over 9 centimeters.  Except for Bro. sanguinea, the size of the blooms is generally smaller than the blooms of the other species in its genetic mix.  The blooms have no fragrance.  I purchased this hybrid here in South Florida, so it is available in the Miami area.  In fact I saw a near specimen size of this hybrid at a local grower just recently.

Have fun.  Good growing.

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