Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ascocendas with Buds

Photos of orchids nearly always show the orchid bloom in full splendor.  What does a vandaceous orchid look like when it is in the process of blooming?

I have two pictures below.  One is of Asocenda Banjong's Delight.  It has a brillant orange color.  It is about half open now.  The open blossoms are at the bottom of the flower spike.  Starting about half-way up the spike, one can see the buds all the way up to the top.

The other photo is of Asocenda Crownfox Butterfly.  I have had this plant over a year, but this is its very first bloom.  The plant is large, and it really seems like it should have bloomed before now.  However, when I bought it, the plant had VERY dark green leaves.  Prior to my ownership, it may have not been given enough light in order to bloom.  I have been gradually moving it to a brighter spot.  The new leaves are now looking a lighter green and this month it started to bloom.  This is a photo of the spike before any of the buds open.  I am anxious to see what this bloom is going to look like.  I have a general idea, but flowers can vary in appearance from one plant to another even when the plants are the same hybrid.

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