Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blc Chyong Guu Chaffinch 'Ta-Hsin' X Ctna Starrlyn 'Kate'

I have not been able to find this cross on OrchidWiz.  I bought it on sale from a reputable orchid vendor in Miami-Dade but when trying to find out more information about it from them, all they could tell me is that they bought it from another vendor that had it as part of left over inventory and they were selling it cheap so it did not have to be transported back to Hawaii.  I took another bloom of this same plant to an AOS judging center and their opinion was that the plant was mislabeled.  Well, they did not really say that.  They just said that they did not think that plant was a cross of the two plants indicated.

This plant is small and the flowers are small.  It blooms three or four times each year, starting in the spring and blooming all they way through summer.  The more mature the plant gets, the more blooms appear at the end of each flower spike.  The first bloom had only one bloom. 

I grow this plant mounted horizontally on a piece of tree fern fiber plaque supported by a raft and hung by a wire hanger under my Cattleya Pergola.  I have two of these plants.  The other one has two new spikes coming out now.  They really bloom well! Whatever they are!

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